Wednesday, 27 July 2016


21 weeks of building has finally come to a close today with handover. Met the site supervisor at 8:30 this morning and went all over the house with a fine tooth comb. Everything was pretty well bang on, I had to look pretty hard to find paint blemishes. Although they're minor, and I felt like a dick for pointing out tiny spots, I am paying a lot of money for a brand new house so want it spotless. Everything I pointed out will be taken care of.

One thing I was a bit annoyed about was that a 6m long line of grout in the middle of the family room had to be removed and have silicone put in instead. I've been told it's a bit of a bitch to clean it.

NBN was installed this morning. My electrician is coming tomorrow to do all my downlights, fans and outside lights. Appliances are being installed Friday. Blinds check measure on Friday. Flyscreens next Friday. Selected a driveway just waiting for him to get back to me when he can do it. Front landscaping is provided by the developer after the driveway is done. Moving all the big stuff and living here from Saturday.

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